Our Services
Decluttering & Organizing
Are you ready to have the space of your dreams and release what is no longer serving you?
The next step is working together to organize your home so all items are easily accessible.
Imagine your home filled with the things you love!
Moving soon or just moved?
We understand that unpacking can be quite a headache.
Whether it’s physically demanding on your body or something you just don’t have the time or motivation to do, you can call on us to take the responsibility off your hands.
Seniors Transitions
We facilitate the physical and emotional aspects of relocation for seniors whom often have unique circumstances that need special attention. We make sure that retirement reorganization, home downsizing or long term travel plans, or transitioning into an assisted living facility can be made easier with the right and compassionate approach.
When you decide that is moving time is the moment you realize the extensive amount of things you had collected over the years. The task of discard the possessions you no longer need or want could be understandable overwhelming.
If you want to downsize or just simple declutter, but you have not idea how to…but we know exactly what to do!
Sale Preparation
Your home speaks to you, but what is it saying to your potential buyer? Our homes are personal, yet how we live is not how we sell. Our homes represent who we are; they are life-sized memory books of our travels, they trumpet our likes, our dislikes and our beliefs. They showcase our stuff -- all that stuff we have accumulated over time that speaks to us. The goal of staging is to make the home speak to everyone else, in a compelling and positive way.
Estate Clearing
It's stressful handling the estate of a loved one that recently passed. Going through their personal belongings. What do you do with all the the items that are left over? Let us handle this for you. We will sort through what can be donated, auctioned or taken to the recycling center. We want to keep as much as possible out of the landfill.
DIY Plans
You may have the time and creativity to organize on your own, but need someone to simply help you get started. This option will show you what to buy and what to do to complete your organizing project. Also, the DIY plan allows you to organize on your own time schedule. You will get the benefits of a customized plan and personalized advice for your home or office that meets your budget.